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2025 January class
is sold out🙇
Hoping to run weekend workshop also another 10 weeks course next year:)
Plz sign up for newsletter to get early access for registration
Sketching in Blender with Azusa Tojo

This class is made for from total beginners to whoever already have experience with Blender and want to learn Azusa's workflow. She will teach almost everything she knows through the class:D

Each week, we'll dive into a new theme and by the end of the course, you'll have created over 10 awesome artworks and mastered Blender sketching. Plus, your life as an artist is about to get a whole lot more fun with Blender! (REALLY!) Azusa has put in tons of effort to make this class intense and engaging. So, make sure you invest your time and energy in it! I'm super excited to learn alongside you!


◆ Length of Course

9+1 Weeks 

◆ Days & Times

Thusdays, starting January 2nd 2025
1/2,1/9,1/16,1/23,1/30,2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27

12:00 PM (PST) / 9:00 PM (CET)
 * Please prepare for the class to run over sometimes.

◆ Tuition 

Feedback US$1,000 *Limited to approximately 15 participants

  • In this course, individual feedbacks will be provided for assignments given during the lectures.

  • If you encounter difficulties or have questions during the homework process, feel free to ask on Discord:)

  • There is a weekly one-hour session for sharing progress, receiving feedback, and live office hours where you can interact with the instructor.

  • In the final week, there's a chance to receive feedback on the assignment from the guest teacher, Julien Gauthier.

  • Questions during class will be prioritized.

  • Access to archived videos for six months is included.

Non Feedback US$600 

  • This course is suitable for those who are good at solving issues on their own.

  • I personally don't recommend this course to someone like me...tends to buy turorials/courses to be just satisfied also relatevely not good at being patient with new technologies. So if you are not sure to push yourself to do homework by yourself, I recomennd feedback one.

  • However, since Feedback Course spots are limited, I've made submitting assignments mandatory for all participants, buy there won't be indivisual reviews. This is to ensure accountability, and I’ll be checking submissions throughout the course. You can also post on Discord for advice or questions. While I can’t guarantee a response every time, there’s a good chance Azusa or graduates will be able to help.

  • I'm doing this because Blender is an amazing tool for all artists, and I don’t want you to miss the opportunity to master it. So, don’t just buy a seat with the intention of watching the recordings later ( I often buy courses and end up not watching the contents or completing them. ) SO join the live classes and complete the assignments if you enroll in this course. If you are busy with your schedule, maybe you should join next one.

  • There is a weekly one-hour session for FB students to share their progress and receive feedback. Non-FB students are also welcome to observe. If there’s time left at the end, you’ll have the chance to interact with the instructor and show your progress.

  • Questions can be asked during class, but priority may be given to Feedback Course participants if there is an overlap. Also you can ask questions on Discord. I can't promise 100% answering, but I answer when I feel important for everyone also when I have time I will try as much. :)

  • Discord channels allow for information exchange, sharing artworks, and networking with other students.

  • Similar to the Feedback Course, access to archived videos for about six months is provided.

◆ Class Format

  • Class meets once a week on Zoom : ​Zoom class is recorded

  • Mid-week Office Hours to receive feedback on WIP for Feedback course students. Non feedback students can join and listen as well. - optional but highly recommended, not recorded, schedule TBD (depending on instructor availability & students' time zones

  • Work Sessions to hang out and work on homework together with classmatesHomework to be uploaded to Google Drive folderStudents have access to pre-recorded demos, class recordings, and lecture notes for 12 months after class ends. Recorded critiques will be provided if there isn't enough time to go over everyone's work in classBonus Discord activities

Prospective Students

  • This Blender class is great for Intermediate-to-advanced level 2D artists who want to use Blender as a tool for design and illustration, work faster!

  • Please note that this course is about how to use Blender as a tool for concept/visual development artists, is NOT a class to teach design skills

◆ Prerequisites

​This is a beginner-level Blender class for intermediate-to-advanced level 2D artists. In order to have a productive learning experience for all, prospective students need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Must have basic design skills and anatomy knowledge

  • Must be dedicated, allocate decent hours for homework and turn it in the night before the next class. If you are planning a trip or have a busy work schedule, I don't recommend to take it now. It's an oppotrunity to be able to use a super cool art tool!! Plz keep enough time to do homework (8h~) aside

  • Must do the Week 0 Assignment before the first class

  • Must have experience drawing/painting with Adobe Photoshop

  • Must have a computer that is powerful enough to run Blender (plz google), a three-button mouse, and a microphone (Camera optional)

  • Must be familiar with using Discord to share screen / participate in discussions

  • Would be great if you have a 2nd monitor or tablet so you can follow along with Azusa's live demo in class more easily

  • Please know that every weekly lesson is going to use the knowledge from previous weeks. It's very important to finish all of your homework on time in order to gain the improvements you desire!:)

  • ​Also must read TERMS AND CONDITIONS CANCELLATION & REFUND POLICY before applying for the class. You can find it on the bottom.

This class is going to be amazing only if you have the time to fully commit. If your schedule is packed, it might be best to join the shorter workshop or wait for the next one:)

 * 9live classes + week0 assignment

↓ Expected Results ↓

Upon completing this course, students are expected to have the ability to sketch and design using Blender, including making keyframes, designing characters / environments / props, and also creating small animations. Also it will also strengthen their lighting knowledge, understand space better:)

❤️ Students' Works ❤️

I wanted to showcase more, but I've maxed out my WIX space! I'll be sharing more during the class, so stay tuned! 😊 Hover over the images to see their names. 


Please understand this plan might be changed on the way if I get better idea for the class:) 
Get ready for an exciting 9 + 1 weeks adventure with Azusa!
Week 0
Ramen Bowl Exercise

This can be the secret of all my past students success in my blender class. It's the most important part. You will have to make more than 2 ramen bowls following Azusa's Ramen Bowl tutorial. It's to gain your muscle memory of shotrcut also be friend with Blender before the class starts!

Don't wait and start doing this assigment NOW following this video!

Week 1
Scrappy Floating House

You will learn all the basic modeling tools/skills I use:) Afrer this week, you can model almost anything! Also you start practicing designing stuff directory in 3d!

Week 2
Movie Studies

We will learn lighting, material and basic camera. This exercise will make you be able to adjust any colors/values you want to see in Blender. Making this lesson helped my eyes to analyze lighting/material/cameras. I think really beneficial for all the artists. You  can make keyframes after this lesson!


Will learn basic texturing and also more about materials through making interior set design:)

Week 3
Week 4
Character Bust

You will learn Azusa's workflow for sketching character heads. You will have to make more than 2 bust shots for your assignment.

Week 5
Full Character + Pose

You will learn Azusa' workflow to sketch a full body character and also pose it and how to present in Blender:)

Week 6

You will learn Azusa' workflow to make a mech! Also little bit about animation/toon shaders! Fun:D

Week 7

This week's theme is camping! I will teach you how to do nature things. Trees, leaves, water, wind... etc.

Week 9
Keyframe02 - Painting over workflow

Use the asset you made in week8 to make a keyframe. Also Azusa will show example of how I do painting over on 3D.

Week 10
Final presentation + Additional TIPS +Speacial Guest

Start making keyframe. Theme is cityscape.You will show all your artworks you made in this class and get feedback from our special guest, Julien Gauthier. He is ex-ILM art director. Also we will have a chance to see his Blender scenes for his works^^ Also if we get time, he will guide us into Geometry nodes world~:)



Please read

Cancellation & Refund

To request a refund and cancel your registration, you must contact us at least 15 days prior to the course start date. This is because Week 0 assignments must be completed before the course begins, and for Blender beginners, 2 weeks are typically needed. Additionally, please note that Stripe does not refund the transaction fees, so the refunded amount will be reduced by the transaction fees.

Usage of students' works

Enrollment in this course confers permission to this course to utilize student work produced during the course for promotional purposes. Credit will be accorded for any student work featured in promotional materials.

Students must be 18 and above.

Please be aware that our training programs are exclusively available to students aged 18 years and above on the first day of class. If you mistakenly registered for a class before noting this requirement, please contact us as soon as possible to process a cancellation and refund.

Class rescheduling & cancellation.

We may need to reschedule or cancel a course due to unexpected circumstances. In such cases, we will notify all registered students as soon as possible.

If a student is unable to attend due to a reschedule, they can catch up by viewing the class recording and joining Office Hours (if applicable). Please note that we are not responsible for providing extra materials or additional time to help students catch up.

If we decide to cancel a course (e.g., due to insufficient enrollments), students will receive a full refund of the tuition. However, any transaction or currency exchange fees charged by your bank at the time of payment cannot be refunded.

Acknowledgement upon registration

By completing the registration process for this course, it is presumed that you have thoroughly read and comprehended all operational rules and policies delineated on this page. Subsequently, your agreement to abide by these terms is implicit.

© 2024 by Azusa Tojo.

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